Are you interested in volunteering?
Great! The Boulder U-Fix-It Clinic is all about volunteering and we'd be delighted to welcome you to our community.
We hope this information will help you decide if you'd like to join us.
Educational workshop
Our events are educational workshops for all ages and experience. But, we're not a free repair shop!
Our mission is to help people learn how to use basic tools to diagnose and safely repair their broken items and become better consumers by choosing repairable products. We share a concern for the environment and effective use of our resources.
Volunteer Roles
Front desk
Participants arrive at their reserved time (we hope!) and the front desk volunteer's role is to welcome them to our event, help them complete the check-in and check-out forms, and introduce them to the repair coaches.Repair coach
Repair coaches help participants diagnose and possibly repair their broken item. Our emphasis is on education, so coaches are expected to demonstrate skills and encourage participants to actively work on their item. Coaches might have some deep skills in some aspect of repair - electronics, mechanics, woodworking, metalworking, ... More importantly coaches are curious, genuinely interested in repair, and enjoying working with other people.Sewing coach
Sewing coaches have all the characteristics of repair coaches with strong skills in sewing. They are proficient with both machine and hand sewing and enjoy teaching their skills with participants.Jewelry coach
Jewelry coaches have all the characteristics of repair coaches with strong skills in jewelry repair. They can diagnose and repair jewelry problems like tangled necklaces, loose parts, and can help with simple sizing problems.
(Note: At this time, we do not have the equipment for jewelry metalsmithing repair such as brazing and silver-soldering.)Coordinator
Organizes the events. Helps volunteers find any tools/supplies they may need. Sometimes re-assigns coaches and participants if needed.
Takes a lot of pictures! (All volunteer roles are encouraged to take pictures.)
What happens at Boulder U-Fix-It Clinic event?
Volunteers arrive before the scheduled participants show up.
We setup the workspace with our toolboxes and our supplies.
New volunteers chat with long-term volunteers about how this whole thing works and check out the tools and supplies available.
Then we gather together for an update on anything new happening with the Boulder U-Fix-It Clinic -- upcoming events, new tools and supplies, ...
We also share any recent repair stories with each other.Clinic:
Participants arrive for their reserved time slot, check-in with the front desk volunteer, and are introduced to the repair coaches.
They are assigned to a coach -- hopefully we are well organized and we have a coach and work area for each participant.The fix-it clinic conversation
Be sure to introduce yourself! (You should be wearing an official Boulder U-Fix-It Clinic nametag.)
Remember the name of the participant so you can use their name throughout the session.
We've found that having this question/answer dialog before digging into the diagnosis is very helpful and can save a lot of time!What was it like when it worked?
What happened when it stopped working?
What have you done since then?
Diagnosis and Repair
The repair coach and participant work together to figure out what to look for first, how to take apart the item, look for service manuals and repair guides online, etc.
Each workspace has a toolbox with hand tools, multimeter, soldering iron, ...We have 2 large rollable carts with more tools and supplies.
Stumped? Seek the assistance of other repair coaches. Sometime participants know how to fix other participants items!
Need a part?
If a defective part is identified that we don't have in our supplies, we encourage the participant to obtain the part after the clinic and complete the repair on their own. Take photos of the disassembled item to aid in reassembly. Sometimes, it's reasonable for the participant to go to a local hardware store, purchase the part, and complete the repair during their time slot. Or, they may choose to attend the next clinic if they need help.
Since we have assigned time slots, it's important for participants to free up the workspace at the end of their assigned time.
Be sure to take pictures of the disassembled item, zooming in on the problem if possible. Include the participant in the photo if they agree to this.
Our photo collection on http://boulderufixitclinic.org is a useful tool for others interested in repair clinics.Check-out. The repair coach can choose to escort the participant to the front desk to complete the check-out form and say goodbye.
Sometimes, participants are interested in contacting repair coaches after the clinic. That's OK, but it's up to you.
Help cleanup the workspace by putting tools and supplies back into their boxes. Throw away trash and cleanup anything needed.
Be sure to say goodbye to your fellow volunteers! We all look forward to seeing each other at our next event.
There's nothing more important than safety in our repair clinics!
Use safety glasses when soldering, filing, cutting, etc.
Be careful around high voltages. Before plugging in a device, be sure that everything is stable and secure so that no one can inadvertently come in contact with AC. This is especially important with devices with motors (fans, mixers, blenders, leaf blowers, ...)
Discharge capacitors before inspecting a circuit. Especially for microwave ovens. See:
https://www.boulderufixitclinic.org/repair-resources ... Microwave Oven Diagnosis and Repair (Google Doc)Replace fuses, temperature sensors, thermal fuses, etc. with the correct part. Resist the urge to replace it with the incorrect part we have in our supplies just to get the the device working.
Use safe practices for repairing power cords. Use strong solder joints and heat-shrink tubing. Electrical tape is not a safe fix!
How to volunteer?
Send an email to info@boulderufixitclinic.org with a brief summary of the repair skills that you most enjoy doing.